All posts by leejohndrow

School Children Program

My mom, brother Larry, David and myself
My mom, brother Larry, David and myself

Children 12 and under

If you are in school or a home schooler, this is a great opportunity for you to write your story. Your history. Your legacy.

And we are offering a special donation. Each time a donation is made on behalf of a writing, 50% will go the school child (payable the first week of each month via check to the student’s parent or guardian.)

Items will be non-fictional stories.

Age groups will be

  • 0-6 years of age. (minimum 100 words)
  • 7-12 years of age. (minimum of 300 words)
  • 13-18 years of age. (minimum of 500 words)

Please do not “write” these for your children. Let’s trust one another. (Adult? Visit here.)

For more on this thought process, visit this page.

Rules and program are subject to change.

Please submit the following form to get the process started. You will receive email with address for submissions. Enter any questions here.

Thank you!

Happy writing!

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Homeschoolers and School Children Invited

lee1When I think about legacy, one of the areas I often think about our children. Clearly without having children or a generation to come there is really no sense in leaving a legacy.

If this website only leaves education and information for a generation to come that’s a good thing. But if we can encourage children and their parents to leave information here at this website that’s an awesome thing. Continue reading Homeschoolers and School Children Invited

My Grandchildren On Their First Fishing Trip

My mom, brother Larry, David and myself
My mom, brother Larry, David and myself

First fishing trip for the grandchildren.

This has been a vacation of firsts. Firsts for me. Firsts for my kids. And many firsts for grandchildren. Sometimes you have to break out to break in.

They have experienced canoeing, kayaking, s’mores and as of yesterday, fishing. Continue reading My Grandchildren On Their First Fishing Trip

A Trip To The Adirondack Museum

lee1The Adirondack Museum

Today I relived a little childhood. I took my daughter, son and his wife and 4 grandchildren to the Adirondack Museum. It did rain off and on, but isn’t that what vacation and “roughing it” are all about. (I know my daughter Amy talks about glamping, but I have not wrapped my brain around the whole concept. On the other hand I am not looking for a new book on going to the bathroom in the wilderness!) Continue reading A Trip To The Adirondack Museum

Why Write You Ask?

lee1Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to share with my children the lake where many of my childhood summers were spent. Indian Lake in the heart of the Adirondacks.

I rented a party boat for the day. I set up three shifts and I was able to do the tour guide bit. As I drove past places like The Lake Store, the marina, islands I had camped on and places I had fished I was passing off a bit of my history, a piece of my legacy to my children and their children. Continue reading Why Write You Ask?

Keep Your Eye On The Bobber!

lee1Yesterday I made a visit to a marina here on Indian Lake. (The only marina here!) As I spoke to Bob, I thought it has been a hundred years since I was here last. I was a teenager. My parents were contemplating purchasing it.

My parents and I were camping on an island and each day we would head to the marina to fill tanks for another day of water skiing, fishing and getting to where we needed to be. Continue reading Keep Your Eye On The Bobber!