Tag Archives: school

Homeschoolers and School Children Invited

lee1When I think about legacy, one of the areas I often think about our children. Clearly without having children or a generation to come there is really no sense in leaving a legacy.

If this website only leaves education and information for a generation to come that’s a good thing. But if we can encourage children and their parents to leave information here at this website that’s an awesome thing. Continue reading Homeschoolers and School Children Invited

Schools Out! Favorite Teacher?

lee1Perhaps you were one of those folks that a had a great teacher or two. My mom was one of those teachers. Every time we would through a store some former student would appear saying “thanks for believing in me.” How about considering a person like that as part of “your story goes here”. It is coming to the end of the school year. Who was that teacher who helped you through? Continue reading Schools Out! Favorite Teacher?