Category Archives: Pet

This Is The Story Of My Dog, Moe

Leona Mae
Leona Mae

Growing up my requests for a dog were always denied with a reminder of the responsibility having such a friend would carry.  It was a constant moot point between my parents and I; I wanted – needed to have a golden retriever and after begging, foot stomping, grunting and temper tantrums, I eventually settled for life with no canine bestie. Continue reading This Is The Story Of My Dog, Moe

The First Family Pet, Fluffy

Hannah CooperIt all started in the years of 1997 until 2008. My cat, Fluffy was grey with a white paint splash between her eyes and nose, white mittens on her front paws with white knee high socks on the back feet. Fluffy has been with us before I was even born. Lydia had gotten her as a present from our father growing up at the age of 4. When Lydia turned 5 she found out she was going to have a baby sister, aka me. Continue reading The First Family Pet, Fluffy