Why Write You Ask?

lee1Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to share with my children the lake where many of my childhood summers were spent. Indian Lake in the heart of the Adirondacks.

I rented a party boat for the day. I set up three shifts and I was able to do the tour guide bit. As I drove past places like The Lake Store, the marina, islands I had camped on and places I had fished I was passing off a bit of my history, a piece of my legacy to my children and their children.

The ride up here had given me the ability to share the history of my grandfather and mother at the CCC camp they taught riding at. The mine that produced garnet for sandpapers and roads.

Today it is raining, but even in the rain I have memories of my first camping trip to Indian Lake.

This site is a place to share memories. To shares tales of times past.

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