Mrs. Blanchard – Teacher Extraordinaire

lee1I often think about those folks that molded my childhood and ultimately my life. One of those people was my first grade teacher, Mrs. Blanchard. By the time I entered first grade in East Haven Connecticut, I was hooked on alphabets, words and stories. My mom, a teacher got me started with books, trips to the library and more. Add in my grandmother’s love of novels, fairy tales and children’s books and I was hooked.

I knew my return from the summer vacation was going to be exciting. I was ready. My new teacher did not disappoint me. She taught me so much. She realized that I loved words. One day we were talking and I shared about the death of my grandmother and how she had encouraged me with children’s crossword books. A few weeks later after school was out she gave me a new crossword book.

Honestly, I remember very little about her other than her guidance, instruction and kindness.

Over the years I have never stopped loving to read, to write or to do crosswords. Many a year I did the Sunday crosswords (Boston Globe, New York Times and more.) and was thankful for the goodness she brought to the table. I can only hope that my grandchildren and their children encounter women of Mrs. Blanchard’s caliber.

So, who was your favorite teacher(s)?

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