The First Family Pet, Fluffy

Hannah CooperIt all started in the years of 1997 until 2008. My cat, Fluffy was grey with a white paint splash between her eyes and nose, white mittens on her front paws with white knee high socks on the back feet. Fluffy has been with us before I was even born. Lydia had gotten her as a present from our father growing up at the age of 4. When Lydia turned 5 she found out she was going to have a baby sister, aka me.

My cat Fluffy was in her teen years of wanting to be a mother herself. Mom had to go get her fixed but she found out after the surgery that she was pregnant. Fluffy soon found a replacement after I came home from the hospital. She’d crawl into my crib and lay next to me not to kill me but to make sure i was breathing, since I was a premature baby of three months. As I grew into more of a child she’d lay at the end of the bed where my feet were after I fell asleep. When I had to go to bed every night she’d make sure I had my snack, hugs goodnight, teeth brushed and had used the restroom before bed. She’d sit at the bottom of the swirly circle staircase in the old home  I grew up in. She’d hide under the bed so if I ever stepped out to get something she’d pounce attack biting me back into the bed.

When I played she either played with me, nap or do her cat things. One day I was playing with my doll stuff and there was this green wool blanket that was lying on my doll’s bed and Fluffy always laid in it when I wanted to use it. She’d also stare at me when I played on the swings or played in the dirt and made bird’s nests out of grass on the ground. When I got my pet fish on my 3rd or 4th birthday she would put her paws in the tank and I always thought she’s playing tag with them until she ate almost every single one. She protected my sister and I from a big mouse when it was just a normal size but looked way bigger on top of my mother’s china cabinet. As well as many more fun happy memories.

As I got older so did Fluffy. When dad took Fluffy to live with him it was heart breaking but I knew I’d see her when I visited. Fluffy started to cuddle with me when i was 12 or 13. After that she had to move to my grandfather’s house in Tennessee.

Before she died I got to see her one last time. She died peacefully in her sleep, no pain at all. I’m glad I had an awesome cat like fluffy in my life growing up.

I know the awesome funny memories of Fluffy will live on in my heart and she will always be remembered as my first pet even though she was Lydia’s cat.

Good bye Fluffy.

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